A History in the Headlines



Open Door Counselling is established to provide non-directive pregnancy counseling services




Irish Times profile during referendum debate on a proposed constitutional right to life for the unborn.



Article in Conscience, a journal of pro-choice opinion published in the United States, during lecture trip following the forced closure of Open Door Counselling.



From the American radical publication, Workers' World, drawing parallels between the struggle for choice in Ireland and the U.S.




News report in the Irish Times announcing forced closure of Open Door Counselling.




A similar story in the Irish Press.




From the Irish Press, discussing the implications of the ban on abortion information.




From the Sunday Independent.




Announcement of appeal to the Irish Supreme Court to overturn ban on abortion information.




From the Evening Herald, discussing the appeal to the European Court of Human Rights which followed the unsuccessful appeal to the Irish Supreme Court.




An Irish Times feature following Mary Robinson's historic election to the Presidency of the Irish Republic.




From The Times of London report on the victory in the European Court of Human Rights, overturning the Irish Courts ban on abortion information.



A comprehensive profile in the Sunday Tribune of Ruth Ridick and her work on the frontlines of choice.


"The case has gained her a place in the Irish liberal pantheon."



From the Irish Times: a report on the ECHR victory, and a canvassing of political opinion in the aftermath.




An Irish Times report on the political and legal implications in Ireland of the pro-choice victory.