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Fibroids may grow dramatically during peri-menopause because of estrogen dominance, but they often shrink just as dramatically after menopause.

Treatments for Fibroids

Dietary Change and Supplements
Any dietary or alternative approach that works to balance excess estrogen or enhance the flow of energy through the pelvis often works for fibroids as well as for heavy bleeding or menstrual cramps.
These include:

  • Chinese herbs;
  • Phytoestrogens, natural hormones found in plants, especially from sources such as soy or flaxseed;
  • Dietary change to emphasize organic produce;
  • Estrogen-balancing supplements.

    Yoga is also helpful.

Hormonal Treatments

  • Bioidentical progesterone
    Progesterone skin cream helps to counter estrogen dominance. Rub over the counter creams into your palms or on the soft areas of your skin once or twice per day, three weeks on and one week off, with the off week being the week of your period. However, some women do best using the cream every day, without taking an off week.
    If necessary, stronger natural progesterone creams are available by prescription from a formulary pharmacy, or in a vaginal gel from all pharmacies.
  • Birth control pills
    Birth control pills are a combination of synthetic estrogen and progestin that can smooth out the estrogen dominance that so often causes fibroids to grow or become symptomatic.
  • GnRH agonists
    GnRH agonists put the body into a state of artificial menopause, lowering estrogen levels to shrink fibroids.
    Side effects include all the symptoms of late perimenopause and may trigger hormonally-induced migraine.

Surgical Treatments

  • Myomectomy
    Myomectomy involes surgical removal of the fibroid.
  • Fibroid embolization
    Uterine artery embolization involved injecting a chemical into the uterine artery to cause clotting of the blood supply to the fibroid, which then shrinks over time.
  • Hysterectomy
    Surgical removal of the womb is generally reserved for women whose fibroids, and resulting symptoms, have not responded to other measures.


The Wisdom of Menopause, Christiane Northrup M.D.
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Guided Meditation

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